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Hyper - Responsive Admin Dashboard Templates

Hyper – Responsive Admin Dashboard Templates

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Hyper Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Templates can be used by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog etc. More than 1000+ features and with widgets and plugins are included here to make your work easier.

More than 100+ features and with widgets and plugins are included here to make your work easier.

Works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and all other smartphone devices.

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Hyper Admin Transparent Dashboard 1


Admin Dashboard Templates

Hyper – Admin Templates – Impressive Dashboard is an eye-catching design for customers to stay a long time on your website. Dashboard Control Panel comes with Daily Sales, Monthly Sales, Yearly Sales, Market Sales Avarage, Top Sellers, Best Selling Products, Total Avarage, Product Details, Sales and much more.

Hyper Admin Transparent Dashboard 2


Admin Templates

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates – Impressive Dashboard is an eye-catching design for customers to stay a long time on your website. Dashboard Control Panel comes with Total Sales, Your Walet, Traffic resources, Reviews, Daily income, Revenue report, Product sale.

Hyper Admin Transparent Dashboard 3


Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates

Hyper – Premium Admin Template – Impressive Dashboard is an eye-catching design for customers to stay a long time on your website. Dashboard Control Panel comes with Web Audience, Bounce Rate, Total Users, Statistics, Storage Overview, Earnings, Recently Top Products, Visitors.

Transparent RTL Dashboard 1


Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin

Hyper – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin – Impressive Dashboard is an eye-catching design for customers to stay a long time on your website. Dashboard Control Panel comes with Total Avarage, Best Selling Products, Top Sellers, Product Details, Earnings, Sales.

Transparent RTL Dashboard 2


Bootstrap Admin Templates

Hyper – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates – Impressive Dashboard is an eye-catching design for customers to stay a long time on your website. Dashboard Control Panel comes with Revenue report, Daily income, Your Walet, Total Sales, Reviews, Traffic resources.

Transparent RTL Dashboard 3


Bootstrap Admin Template

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates – Impressive Dashboard is an eye-catching design for customers to stay a long time on your website. Dashboard Control Panel comeStorage Overview, Statistics, Web Audience, Visitors, Recently Top Products, Earnings, Analytics Output, Equipment Cost, Analysts Payable.

Horizontal Dashboard 1


Admin Dashboard Templates

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates Dashboard Control Panel come with Horizontal Dashboard 1

Horizontal Dashboard 2


Admin Templates

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates Dashboard Control Panel come with Horizontal Dashboard 2

Horizontal Dashboard 3


Premium Admin Template

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates Dashboard Control Panel come with Horizontal Dashboard 3

Horizontal RTL Dashboard 1


Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates Dashboard Control Panel come with Horizontal RTL Dashboard 1

Horizontal RTL Dashboard 2


Bootstrap Admin Templates

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates Dashboard Control Panel come with Horizontal RTL Dashboard 2

Horizontal RTL Dashboard 3


Bootstrap Admin Template

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates Dashboard Control Panel come with Horizontal RTL Dashboard 3

White Dashboard 1


Dashboard Admin Templates

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates Dashboard Control Panel come with White Dashboard 1

White Dashboard 2


Admin Templates Bootstrap

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates Dashboard Control Panel come with White Dashboard 2

White Dashboard 3


Admin Dashboard Templates

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates Dashboard Control Panel come with White Dashboard 3

White RTL Dashboard 1



Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates Dashboard Control Panel come with White RTL Dashboard 1

White RTL Dashboard 2


Admin Templates

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates Dashboard Control Panel come with White RTL Dashboard 2

White RTL Dashboard 3


Admin Dashboard Templates

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates Dashboard Control Panel come with White RTL Dashboard 3

 Chat App


Admin Templates

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates provides a Chat App. You will see Chat message in this page.


Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Calendar App. You will see the Calendar app.

User Profile

Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin

Hyper – Responsive Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with User Profile. Email, Social Profile, Phone, Address, Google Feed, Facebook Feed Here.


Premium Admin Template

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Templates provides Userlist. You will see User list with name, Designation, Phone no, Social media icons, email id, and profile picture.

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Buttons UI

Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard

Hyper – Bootstrap Admin Template provided Various types of buttons Using the base class. You will see General Buttons, Rounded Buttons, Button with an outline, Button Sizes, Rounded Outline Buttons, Button with the icon, Split buttons, Button with Dropdown, Horizontal Button Group.

Color Utilities

Bootstrap Admin Templates

Hyper – Premium Admin Template comes with Color Utilities such as Background colors, Border colors, Text colors, Hover colors.


Screen Shot 2019-01-24 at 10.22.41 (1)

Hyper – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates comes with Dropdown.

Hyper – Admin Templates comes with Range Sliders and Carousel that includes Image Slider, Image Slider thumbnails. You will see Dropdown Basic, Dropdown menu with Default, Alignment, Dropup, Dropup alignment, No caret, With icon, Header, Divider, With badge.


Dashboard Admin Templates

Hyper Admin Templates comes with Tabs. You will see Nav Pills Tabs, Tab with an icon, Fill, Horizontal alignment, Default Tab, Custom tab Tab, Vertical Tab, Custom tab vertical Tab, Tab with a dropdown.


Admin Templates Bootstrap

Hyper – Admin Templates comes with Timeline. You will see Two columns, Usage example.

Horizontal Timeline

Admin Dashboard Templates

Hyper Admin Templates comes with Horizontal Timeline.

Advanced Box

Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates

Hyper Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin comes with Advanced Box. You will see Box search, Multi elements, Box pagination, Box controls, Box slid up, Box options, Box button, Box progress, Box switch, Scrollable.

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Basic Box

Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin

Hyper Dashboard Admin Templates comes with Basic Box. Basic Box With the title, Title size, Title in a header, Without divider, Bold Title, Title and description More description, Title and side-title More description, Title, and subtitle, Bordered box

Box Color

Premium Admin Template

Hyper Admin Templates comes with Box Color. You will see Solid box header, Background Color, Pale Background Color, Outline boxes, Border boxes.

Group Box

Bootstrap Admin Templates

Hyper Admin Templates comes with Group Box. Boxes can be organized into Masonry-like columns with just CSS by wrapping them in .box-columns. Box are ordered from top to bottom and left to right when wrapped in .box-columns.


Bootstrap Admin Template

Hyper Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Chart. You will see Radar Chart, Doughnut Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, Polar area Chart, Bubble Chart, Bar Chart.

Flot Charts

Dashboard Admin Templates

Hyper Admin Templates comes with Flot Charts. You will see the Interactive Area Chart, Line Chart, Full Width Area Chart, Bar Chart, Donut Chart.

Inline Charts

Admin Templates Bootstrap

Hyper Admin Templates comes with Inline Charts. You will see Sparkline Pie, Sparkline line, Sparkline Bar, Sparkline examples, jQuery Knob Tron Style, jQuery Knob Different Sizes, jQuery Knob.

Morris Charts

Admin Dashboard Templates

Hyper Bootstrap Admin Templates comes with Morris Charts. You will see Download Count, Analytics, Revenue Statistics, Sales Report.

Peity chart

Admin Templates

Hyper Admin Templates comes with Peity chart. You will see Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie, Donut Chart, Updating Charts.

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